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4 December 2023
Renewable Energy

Blue Gem Wind Shares Wind Speed Data with Wales’ Marine Energy Test Area

Blue Gem Wind, a joint venture between TotalEnergies and Simply Blue Group, have shared important wind speed data with Wales’ Marine Energy Test Area (META).

The data was collected as part of the development of the Erebus floating wind project, which is planned to be built approximately 45km off the coast of Pembrokeshire.

Mike Scott, Project Managing Director at Blue Gem Wind, said:

“We installed a met mast on the Angle Peninsula in early 2021 to understand wind speed and other weather-related data for the development of our Erebus floating wind project. Working with Marine Energy Wales we are happy to provide data we have collected to support the ongoing development plans at META .”

META operates eight sites in and around the Milford Haven waterway. It offers testing in real sea conditions for wave, tidal and floating offshore wind technology, alongside world-class port, engineering, and manufacturing facilities.

As the only pre-consented, pre-commercial test facility of its kind in the country, META is dedicated to reducing the time, cost and risks associated with the deployment and commercialisation of marine energy technologies, saving companies valuable time and money.

Saul Young, META Operations Manager said:

“We are pleased to be collaborating with Blue Gem Wind and to be sharing data in this way. Not only will it help improve our understanding of conditions at the East Pickard Bay site, but it will also help support the development of the sector by providing technology developers and researchers accurate data with which to plan their innovative projects at META. META has a growing catalogue of data for our various sites, and we are committed to expanding our collection.”

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