Green Economy Wales

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September Edition: Marine/Wave/Tidal

Podcast - Green Economy Wales

Episode 1 - An Overview of the Marine Energy Sector in Wales

Hosted by Carwyn Jones

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Guests Include:

Jay Sheppard, MEW

Jay Sheppard

Marine Energy Wales

Tom Hill, MEW

Tom Hill

Marine Energy Wales

John Idris Jones Menter Môn

John Idris Jones

Menter Môn

Renewable Energy
Deploying Floating Offshore Wind Test and Demo Projects in the Celtic Sea What Lessons Can we Learn from Kincardine?
Renewable Energy
‘Call to Action’ to Position Wales as Global Leader in Marine Energy as Sector Delivers £30m to Economy
Thought Leadership
Morlais – Making the Most of Business Opportunities in the Tidal Energy Sector
western gateway ad

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