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26 April 2024
Renewable Energy

Building Together: Celtic Freeport’s Vision for Community-Driven Economic Growth


Luciana Ciubotariu, 

CEO Designate, 

Celtic Freeport

The journey towards realising the Celtic Freeport's full potential is not one to be undertaken alone. It is a collective voyage, necessitating the active participation and support of both local businesses and communities. 

At its core, the success of the Celtic Freeport hinges on our ability to secure approval for our full business case, unlock necessary funding, and present a clear vision for projects that will benefit from this investment—especially those enhancing our floating offshore wind capabilities. Yet, beyond the metrics of financial and infrastructural milestones, our success is deeply intertwined with the support and engagement of our local and business communities.

The overwhelming support we've already received from these groups is a testament to the shared belief in the transformative potential of the Celtic Freeport. This backing is not merely symbolic; it's a critical foundation upon which we're building tangible results and fostering a sense of unity and purpose across the region. Our ambition is to be a beacon of success, demonstrating how freeports can contribute to building more resilient, inclusive communities and catalyse transformational change for the people we serve.

Understanding that when it comes to delivering social outcomes, one size does not fit all, we recognise the diverse nature of our local communities. Each possesses its unique strengths and faces distinct challenges. Our strategy is to leverage these strengths and address these challenges head-on, from the early planning stages. This approach ensures that the development of the Celtic Freeport is not only about economic growth but also about enhancing the well-being and resilience of the communities that form the bedrock of this region.

We are committed to ensuring that the Celtic Freeport does not fall short of delivering on its promises of wider regeneration and well-being outcomes. To achieve this, our development priorities will be aligned with local needs. This approach is crucial for creating a sustainable and prosperous future for all stakeholders involved.

The key to achieving our goals lies in our methodology: creating a collaborative decision-making process. Understanding and addressing the concerns of our communities is not just a matter of due diligence; it's a foundational principle of our operation. This inclusive, people-driven process ensures that the development of the Celtic Freeport reflects the aspirations, needs and values of the people it is meant to serve.

By working hand in hand with local businesses and communities, we are not just building infrastructure; we are fostering a shared sense of ownership and pride in what we can achieve together.

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