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16 November 2023
Gov/Public Sector

Community Hub for All Ages Gets Energy Efficiency Help

Denbighshire County Council’s Energy Team has helped a community hub become more energy efficient.

Work with the support of Council staff has taken place at Ysgol Dyffryn Ial to reduce energy usage and costs for the pupils and community that use the school and memorial hall.

The Council’s Energy Team are working on a number of projects to improve building energy efficiency and support the reduction of running costs over the long term in the Council’s non-domestic building estate which is responsible for over 60 percent of Council carbon emissions.

Energy team staff are currently working to improve the efficiency and building environment for the school area with the finished installation of a 4kw PV solar array on the roof to provide renewable electricity. LED lighting and an air source heat pump to provide hot water will be introduced on site in the new year which will further lower energy usage and costs.

A funding grant was also secured by the local community for the Memorial Hall on site at the school to undergo energy efficiency work for the building which is used by residents of all ages.

Knowing the community was invested in improving the important village hub, the Council’s Energy Team helped them to secure a best fit system to make sure the buildings energy use and costs reduced.

Robert Jones, Principal Energy Manager said:

“While we were working on Ysgol Dyffryn Ial, we were made aware of plans for the Memorial Hall by the community which is on the same site. We had a look at what was proposed and advised them to modify the specification to install an 18kw solar PV system with an 11kw battery which will help them store excess energy generated by the sun to support the running of the building more efficiently and reduce carbon emissions.”

Cllr Barry Mellor, Lead Member for Environment and Transport, said:

“We are committed to reducing our carbon emissions and energy usage across all our buildings by carrying out projects that will also see costs reduce in the long term.

“Our Energy team do a lot of work across communities at school and I’m really grateful for them for stepping up to help this important community hub receive the most appropriate energy efficiency work.”

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