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21 October 2024
Gov/Public Sector

Keep Wales Tidy Calls for Urgent Action to Tackle Wales’ ‘Escalating Litter Crisis’

Keep Wales Tidy is calling on the Welsh Government to take immediate and decisive action to address the growing litter emergency across Wales, warning that – without intervention – the damage may take years to reverse.

Since 2007, Keep Wales Tidy has been monitoring litter levels across the country, and while progress has been made over the years, the charity reports that the situation is now worsening at an alarming rate.

The 2024 surveys reveal a 286% increase in the number of streets rated at the lowest cleanliness level—grade ‘D'—compared to last year. These are some of the worst results recorded in the charity's 17-year survey history.

“Litter is not just an eyesore; it poses serious environmental threats by polluting soil, water, and harming wildlife. Poorly maintained areas have a profound impact on communities, particularly in the most deprived areas, where poor environmental quality is linked to higher crime rates, worse health outcomes, and lower overall well-being,” said Owen Derbyshire, Chief Executive at Keep Wales Tidy. “Maintaining clean streets is not just about appearances; it is essential for fostering community pride and promoting economic growth. If neglected, it becomes increasingly challenging to restore these communities.”

To address this growing issue, Keep Wales Tidy has outlined several urgent measures:

  • Commit to a National Plan: Wales is currently the only UK country without a National Litter and Fly-tipping Prevention Plan. The charity urges the Welsh Government to commit to developing and publishing such a plan, ensuring that councils have formal strategies in place to manage litter effectively.
  • Protect Budgets: Recognising the financial pressures on local authorities, Keep Wales Tidy emphasises the importance of prioritising investment in street cleansing, litter prevention, public education, and enforcement. Proactive measures now will prevent higher costs in the future.
  • Accelerate the Deposit Return Scheme: While the Welsh Government’s goal of introducing an ‘all-in' Deposit Return Scheme by 2027 is welcomed, Keep Wales Tidy insists that this scheme must include glass, given the doubling of littered glass rates in recent years. Comparable schemes in other European countries have led to up to a 60% reduction in litter, demonstrating the effectiveness of such initiatives.
  • Fast-Track Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR): The charity calls for the swift rollout of the EPR scheme to ensure that producers are accountable for the environmental impact of their products throughout their lifecycle, including the costs of litter prevention and clean-up.
  • Explore New Financial Mechanisms: Keep Wales Tidy suggests the introduction of new funding mechanisms, such as a Visitor Levy and levies on single-use cups and avoidable plastics, to support local authorities and third-sector organisations in combating persistent litter issues.

Owen Derbyshire said:

“This is a critical moment for Wales, and we need swift and decisive action to protect our local environment.  The positive news is that the tools to make a difference are already available, but we need a firm commitment from both national and local governments to ensure a cleaner, greener future for Wales.”

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