Why floating wind?
The International Energy Agency estimates that floating wind turbines could help provide enough electricity to satisfy the world’s electricity needs 11 times over.
Tue, 4 Jul 2023 12:00 – 13:00 BST
It is estimated by the ORE Catapult that the first GW of floating wind in the Celtic Sea could potentially deliver over 3,000 jobs and £682m in supply chain opportunities for Wales and Cornwall by 2030.
Studies suggest there is up to 50GW of attainable wind resource in the Celtic Sea.
Erebus – A 100MW demonstration project
For this event, speakers include Blue Gem Wind, who will initially focus on a 100MW demonstration project 45 km offshore. The project, named Erebus after the famous ship built in Pembroke Dock, will become one of the largest floating offshore wind projects in Europe when constructed in 2027.
Erebus is the first project in a stepping stone approach to develop floating wind in the Celtic Sea. A series of subsequent projects, gradually increasing in size will enable the local supply chain to maximise opportunities before commercial size projects in the 2030’s.
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