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22 August 2024
Renewable Energy

The Key Ingredients for a Global Success Story


Ruth Chapman, 

Managing Director, 

Dulas Limited. 

Our story is one of innovation spanning more than four decades.

Dulas Limited was born out of the Centre for Alternative Technology near Machynlleth, where engineers worked on solutions to problems such as how to keep vaccines and blood at the right temperature through the use of renewable energy.

From those beginnings we have grown to become an award-winning manufacturer of renewable energy solutions including our flagship innovation and probably what we are best known for – our solar refrigerators.

In developing countries with no access to reliable electricity, having an off-grid refrigerator powered by solar energy means that vital immunisation campaigns can continue. Having constant and reliable power to keep a vaccine at the correct temperature can mean the difference between life and death.

Just one Dulas refrigerator has the capacity to store enough vaccines to vaccinate more than 10,000 children, so over the years Dulas products have contributed to the health and wellbeing of millions of children.

They have also allowed Dulas to carve out a niche on the international stage.

Our expansion into new markets such as Angola and Kenya in 2024 demonstrates how active engagement and partnerships in these countries have been crucial. By working closely with in-country partners, we ensure not just delivery but also ongoing maintenance and support, meaning that our products continue to serve communities effectively for more than a decade.

Exports are a significant part of our revenue and here accessing the right support -particularly from the Welsh Government’s international trade team – has been instrumental. Their assistance in navigating international markets has enabled us to amplify our impact globally, particularly in low to middle-income countries where our solar-powered vaccine refrigerators are most needed.

Their help has included facilitating participation in international exhibitions, arranging meetings with key decision-makers abroad, and strategic marketing initiatives. For businesses looking to expand internationally, leveraging such support is invaluable.

Our international strategy was highlighted when we won SME Exporter of the Year at the Wales Business Awards 2024, a real achievement for our team and recognition we’ve been very grateful for.

While we have steadily built our international trade links we’ve remained committed to our home in Mid Wales, and we firmly believe that our location plays a key role in our success.

Dulas has thrived in a region known for its commitment to sustainability and innovation. The beautiful setting of the Dyfi Valley not only enhances our employees' work-life balance but also inspires the environmental ethos at the heart of our work.

And then there’s the structure of the business itself. At the core of our business ethos is our co-operative structure. Every employee at Dulas is a member of the company, enjoying voting rights on key decisions and sharing in the profits. This model has not only empowered our team but has fostered an environment of shared commitment and responsibility, pivotal in driving our company forward. This democratic approach ensures that everyone’s voice is heard, enhancing our collective ability to innovate and adapt in a rapidly changing industry.

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