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15 December 2023
NetZero Solutions

Wales to Enforce New Recycling Law Starting April 6th

The Welsh Government just announced the implementation of the Workplace Recycling Regulations, effective from 6 April 2024.

This policy mandates all businesses, public, and voluntary sector workplaces in Wales to separate recyclable materials, akin to current residential practices. This aims to reduce waste sent to incineration and landfill, while seeking to also improve the quantity of recyclables collected from workplaces.

To comply with the new regulation, Welsh businesses might need a recycling bin for each of the following: paper and cardboard, glass, plastic and cans, food! That is if they produce at least 5kg of waste in each of those categories.

In addition to the bins they currently have for general waste management. This represents an additional cost for businesses – with even a small 240l bin collected fortnightly adding over £200 to annual expenses.

Julie James, the Minister for Climate Change, emphasized the importance of collective action in combating environmental issues. “It is crucial that every organization, regardless of size, contributes to addressing the climate and nature emergency and advances recycling efforts,” she stated.

In response to this, national waste management company, Business Waste has launched an initiative offering 250,000 free bins! A move that aligns with the estimated 220,000 businesses in Wales.

Mark Hall, co-founder of Business Waste, says:

“We know that waste management can often be stressful for businesses, especially when adapting to new regulations.

We want to make the transition to this new policy as easy and cost-effective for Welsh businesses, which is why we’ve decided to give away 250,00 free Recycling bins to all the businesses that want to sign up and claim theirs today.”

More about the initiative and the terms and conditions off the free claim can be found here.

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